Thursday, March 25, 2010


I am always getting ahead of myself.

I can't help picking up vintage pyrex pans when I go thrifting, and I'm constantly lusting over beautiful things to fill my non-existent apartment. It's sick. But I can't control myself. :)
AND, given the fact that my main artistic outlet is design, and housing, and decorating, it just seems natural to plan my future space. Jumping the gun? Yep. But two years goes by quicker than you think.

This is the plan, folks.

*Sigh* Here are some beautiful things I've purchased lately due to a nesting fixation lol...

The first time I saw this I was so inspired.

Patchwork glasses, eeeeee!

My mini-goals chalkboard. Such a cute idea.

The blue ones. :)

Subtle reminders in embroidery hoops.

Hope you are having a lovely and inspired Thursday!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Yep, that's my stressed face folks.
Today was the first day in what feels like forever that I've been semi-calm. The past two months have been nothing short of insanity. Scratch that. The past four months. There's something funny that happens when someone you love passes away... Sometimes it takes a long time for it to hit you. Not for you to "realize" they are dead, but for the full weight of it to fall on you emotionally. For me, it took three months. And for the past few weeks I've felt like a basketcase. I'm not a "crier." At all. When I was little I would break bones in gymnastics and not even shed a tear. I'm just not one of those girls. Which makes all of this emotional overload even more strange for me.

I've been thinking today about how important it is to have a partner. Somebody that can handle you at your very worst. Because no matter how tough you are, (and I'd like to consider myself pretty damn tough), life is fucking hard sometimes. It just is. And sometimes you just need someone. And I don't think that makes you weak. I think that makes you human. And I'm just grateful that I have someone in my life that is "there." And handles my neuroses, and my stress, and my worries, and makes it seem a lot less heavy. It's genuine. And it's beautiful.

The most beautiful moment in any movie. Ever.
And exactly what I mean.
Thank you, Mr. Kauffman, for "getting it."

Well, I have to go cram for my Art History test tomorrow....blarrrghh.

xx L

Monday, March 15, 2010


My "dream home."
Far too expensive to buy, (somewhere near 4 million), but I'd like to build/design a home like this one day.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Your Love Will Be, Safe With Me

Spring break just isn't long enough.
I vote for 3 weeks. That sounds sufficient.
All joking aside, not wanting to head back into college world.

ANNNNND, David Bazan was in Springfield last night.....
But, sadly, I didn't hear about it till the day of. :(
I love Bazan. So so much. Sads.

*sigh* K, this made me laugh today, lol
I like how everyone is running away from them...hahaha. If Bon Iver turned up in my neighborhood, singing "For Emma," no less, I would go running towards them hahaha, and perhaps ask Justin if I could join him in his cabin. :)

Goodnite, loves.
And happy Monday to everyone at MSU ;)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring, Please Hurry

I'm impatient for springtime.
I want to wear dresses again without freezing my legs off. :)

Spring colors are sooooo pretty. And the springiest color of them all.....

Definitely ready for spring.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

For You, Forever Ago

Today, and to be honest, all year, I've been listening to "For Emma, Forever Ago"
It is definitely in my top 5 favorite albums.
This album hits pretty close to home for me.
Apparently isolating yourself in a cabin in Wisconsin can produce truly beautiful art.
I like listening to it when I'm designing or sketching. It just takes me to a place.

In other news: I am beginning my semester AUTOCAD project soon soon soon. It's gonna be a tough one. :(
It is SO much more efficient than drawing floor plans by hand though.
*Sigh*, AutoCad, it seems we must become friends.

Kids rooms are my FAVORITE favorite thing to design.
It's magic, because you get to think like a kid.
I love blanket forts! And I can't wait to have kids of my own and design their rooms :)


--Mae Mae