Monday, September 27, 2010

A Half Remembered Dream

I want to turn my brain off.
Today, it seems, I feel as though I am waiting on a train.

[What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient... highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed - fully understood - that sticks; right in there somewhere.]

Let's hope the day gets better, yes? :)
Love, M

Saturday, September 25, 2010

5 Things:

That melt my heart this week.

First, my crafty friend Kiley just opened her new Etsy shop...
Opening an Etsy shop is super hard work, and LOTS of time invested.
I don't know about you, but I die for pretty knits, and these headbands are adorb. :)
(I'm particularly fond of the green one)

Darling, right?

2.) The cutest little boy I have ever laid eyes on. GAH.

3.) One of my favorite illustrations from The Black Apple.

4.) Lovely collections of colorful books and pretty dishes.

5.) And lastly, some food for thought.

Love love, M

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fuck Mondays

Here's a few things that make Mondays suck a little less. :)

Wes Anderson inside the Belefonte. :)

Kudos to whoever makes these things that are peppered across the interwebs.
I think we'd be friends. :)

Ben Gibbard+John Krasinski=mega mega love moment.
I can't believe this happened in real life.


Go listen to Chris Merritt. GO. NOW.
Hands down, the happiest music in my library.

I just really like their expressions..ha.

A photographer decided to capture these images of a very territorial mother bird in New York, that likes to dive bomb people's heads as they walk past her nest. I DIE. THE SECOND GUY IS SOOOO UNAFFECTED. I have a feeling his voice would sound a bit like Joey Tribbiani from FRIENDS. Haha..


Maybe the most beautiful color in the world.

Suuuuuuuper adorable sushi.
I don't think I could bear eating it.

Oh yeah, no big deal, just got to meet Wayne Coyne. ;)
Still dying about it. Still.

Major tipi lust.

The sweetest, ever ever.

This movie.
It's been too long...


Literary humor=the best

I sure miss doing this. :)

Permanent Death Cab lyrics?
Yes, please.

Love, M

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Here's To Now

Leaving for Columbia later this afternoon :) :)


Love, M

Monday, September 13, 2010

Simple Economics Pedro The Lion has been stuck in my head ALL DAY.

The boy and I seem to be swamped with homework this week, and we gots ta get it done before our two day concert adventure.

I was reminded of my love for chalkboard paint this morning...

And of my love of my favorite color...

And one of my biggest dreams.. to live in an Airstream...

(Found these in Dwell mag, freaking amazing.)

And, just for fun...

One of the cutest kitchens I've seen in a while.

We're working on a "green" house design and site plan in Res II (I'm doing a treehouse) :) And, an actual barn remodel. We're turning it into a living space. Super super busys.

Love, M

Monday, September 6, 2010

5 Things That Stole My Heart This Week

I love Miss Lewis. A lot.
And her beau is a talented man indeed.
Put them together and they equal one beautiful album.
I am pleased.

Learning to love and live with my new Vivitar.
Her name is Vivianna :)

Watching this movie with muh boy.
Scared the bejeebus outta me.

I have a Chipotle addiction.
And I don't care.

Dreaming of Bali.

Love, M