First of all, I am freaking out. I am 20 years old, and I am losing it!
Pretty sure I got dragged to the Eclipse midnight showing...
(Oh, it's every bit as awful as it sounds), and the highlight of the night would have to be seeing the new Deathly Hallows trailer. I was dying. The whole time. I can't wait any longer.

This past week I finally tried hookah with Miss Ashley.
It's one of my new favorite things.
I looooove blueberry and raspberry cream.

THEN, I got to looking through old pictures and found some serious gems...

Uh, haha. Avocado masks with my Kate. Gee-ross.

At Randy Bacon's Monarch Factory, right after the election.
There was this whiteboard wall where you could write something to Obama.
It's crazy how much time has passed.

A pretty tattoo that I got to watch happen.
I could watch people get tattoos all day long.
He took it like a man though.

Oh my...
(my formerly wrecked car-courtesy of the aforementioned inked man.)
A little dose of nostalgia.
Love you, M
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