Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Candy Canes & Birthday Plans

We have candy canes... everywhere... around my house.
Literally, everywhere!
And as a result, I find that I have eaten like 15 of them in the last week.
Like, absentmindedly walking around my house... with a candy can sticking out of my cheek.
It's been a rough week... ha.
I just want Christmas break to be here NOW.

... I think we're losing it. Ha ha.

This weekend is so busy! We've got a wedding on Saturday, and my birthday on Sunday :)
I've been fumbling for something to do, since it's so close to final exams, and since we're doing a belated celebration in Eureka Springs on the 21st. :) But I think I've settled on going to The Moxie to watch 127 Hours and drink wine with my boy. Sounds pretty perfect to me.

Hope you're staying warm this week!


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