Watching my brother graduate high school :)

Spending SIX HOURS in the salon with my favorite lady. :) We texted each other from across the room. Ha.

A play day with these kids. It was a fun adventure. :)

David Bazan+mewithoutYou concert at the Outland.

Road trippin' to Lawrence with Miss Ashley.

The day I started dating my best friend. I will never forget walking into my room to 100 paper airplanes.

Getting my feather tattoo. I love it. :)

Meeting Wayne Coyne, and seeing The Flaming Lips in Columbia with Jacob.
It's still so surreal.

Going pumpkin-patching, in search of the perfect pumpkin.

Being Tank Girl for Halloween, and going to see Rocky Horror.

Going to Ryan's wedding, and spending the holidays with Jacob.

Expanding my "tribe." Getting to know my parents' significant others, and getting a good grasp on juggling double holidays.

Eureka. Beautiful.
2010 feels like a year of duality to me. The first part was rocky, and the second went smoothly. It's like an even split. I learned a great deal about myself in the first half of 2010. I tied up loose ends. Closed chapters. Moved into a new house. Cut ties. Grew up. And reconnected. The second half feels like a blur. A great adventure. New beginnings. Late nights at the lake. A metamorphosis. A challenging semester. Clarity. Warmth. And new ambition.
Working on a goals list for 2011. :)
Love you, Mae